Ayurveda Treatments



In this treatment lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained therapists in special rhythmic way continuously for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 21 days .This treatment is very useful for Rheumatic diseases like Arthritis , paralysis , Hemiplegia , Paralysis –Agitanus ,sexual weakness ,Nervous weakness and nervous Disorder etc .


It is a process by which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medical packs externally in the form boluses tied up in muslin bags .This is applied two to more masseurs for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days .This treatment is for all types of rheumatism , pain in the joints ,emaciation of limbs , high blood pressure ,cholesterol and certain kinds of skin diseases.


Dhara is a very ancient Ayurveda treatment system using mildly warm oil, and it’s a method well known all over the world. There are many varieties of Dhara in Ayurveda and all the Dhara’s are very result oriented and ensures curing of ailments. Dhara is an important therapy in Ayureda and it gives sudden relief from chronic headaches, insomnia, mental tension, hysteria, hallucination and insanity etc.


  • No of days:

Certain herbal oils ,herbal extras etc , are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days .This treatment is for Arthritis, paralysis , Hemiplegia , Numbness , gastric complaints associated with Rheumatism and constant constipation .


Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured in to a cup fitted on the head for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s conditions for a period for 7 days .This treatments highly effective for Facial Paralysis .Dryness of nostrils , mouth and throat , server headaches and other vatha originated diseases.


This massage is stimulates all the vital points called “Marma” of the body . It helps to attain the equilibrium of Vatha, Pitha and kapha. This massage is helpful for old trauma and injuries of sports, dance and martial arts. This also helps to strengthen the inner muscles and ligaments.


Somatheeram Ayurveda Village,
(Somatheeram Research Institute & Ayurveda Hospital Pvt. Ltd.)
Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram- 695501
Kerala, India

+914713511000, +91-471-2268101, 2266111
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